couple doing research on laptop

4 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score

Credit scores are a vital part of getting approved for a loan to buy a home. Although you can get a mortgage with a lower credit score, the better your credit score, the better your loan terms will be. If you’re looking for ways to improve your credit score, look no further. Here are our top tips to improving your score for a better mortgage. 

1. Make Payments on Time 

Your payment history is one of the biggest impacts on your credit score. The more frequently you pay your bills by the payment deadline, the better your score will be. If you’re behind on your payments, the first step is to get up to date on them.  

Then, make sure to continue paying your bills on time and in full, if you can. Either get notifications for when your bills are due or set up automatic payments, so you don’t miss a due date. 

2. Pay Off Debt and Keep Low Balances on Credit Cards 

Another large determining factor of your credit score is credit utilization, or how much you owe on a credit card compared to your credit limit. Lenders typically look for a ratio of 30% or less. You can positively impact your credit utilization by keeping your credit card balances down or paying off any debt you have on your cards. Calculate your credit utilization here.

3. Only Keep As Many Credit Accounts As Needed, But Don’t Close an Unused Account! 

Having a mixture of credit doesn’t necessarily lead to a better credit score. Unnecessary credit can even harm your score by creating inquiries on your account and possibly leading to overspending. 

However, if you have an unused account, don’t close it! If the account doesn’t charge you annual fees, closing it could lead to a higher credit utilization ratio. 

4. Keep An Eye On Your Credit Report 

Make sure to check on your credit reports every so often. If you notice inaccuracies, such as late payments or incorrect amounts owed, these are all factors that can drag down your score. If you notice an inaccuracy, make sure to dispute it right away! Click here for more information on receiving a free credit report.

Female Real Estate agent with a couple

5 Steps to Start the Home Buying Process

The long and winding road to home buying can be confusing and scary, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are five easy steps to follow in the beginning stages of the home buying process, because knowing the route will help make the ride to your new home smoother and less stressful. 

#1: Create a Plan 

Of course, you want to look at houses. But first thing’s first, do your research and make a plan. Get an idea of your budgets so you know what you can afford. Create a timeline of when you would like to purchase a home and move. Make a list of must-haves, as well as things that would be nice to have but aren’t necessities. Having a plan in mind will help you navigate further down the road. 

#2: Research 

Don’t worry, this research is the fun kind! Take a look at listings online to get a feel for what you like, as well as what will and won’t fit into your budget. 

#3: Find a REALTOR® 

Your REALTOR® will be your guide during this time. Make sure you find the right one for you. They will be your expert and go to on this journey, so don’t be afraid to interview multiple REALTORS® find the one that fits your needs. Use our REALTOR® search to find a Chicago REALTOR® who fits with you!

#4: Choose a Lender and Loan 

Your REALTOR® can recommend trusted lenders to begin the loan process. Each mortgage lender, depending on the company they work for, will be able to provide different fees, rates and requirements, so make sure to find the one that works best for you. 

Then, you will work with your lender to decide which mortgage type is right for you. Options include fixed-rate, adjustable, conventional or government loans, to name just a few. 

#5: Get Pre-Approved 

The last step before you start looking for your forever home is to get pre-approved. Your lender will ask for a variety of documents, from proof of income to bank statements and more, which will all determine what amount you will be able to spend on a home. But remember, a pre-approval does not mean you are guaranteed a loan. Think of it as a way to show buyers that you’re serious about buying a home and making an offer. 

From here, it will be time to looking at places and get that much closer to making your homeownership dreams come true! 

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